NTIO #114 Nearly Dead Robot Hookers

April 20, 2017

This week Now That I’m Older is back with another view into the whacky world of being middle aged and having stories to tell about it. This week we open up with a story about what life is like when you’re young and your cousins are assholes. Then we move into the terrible idea that one day the Robots and AI are gonna take over and Kenny is super anxious to join up with them. Then we close with near death stories from Kenny and Shane where they both accuse the other of trying to kill the other.

This week we shouted out X Squad Pod, Weekly Top Six and Yes But Why and we spun promos for Epic Film Guys and After Movie Diner.

Check out the show and tell everyone you know who wears glasses about it! Obviously they can see what a good podcast looks like!

One comment

  1. JamesTugend says:

    You guys are sure having fun, “SELLING SEX IN THE 21st CENTURY, Empowerment? Escorts In Their Own Words
    Jim 79. to learn abut real fun, blue pills advised. The business has been revolutionized by the internet. Some women raise their self-esteem and have a decent life; most don’t. Find the facts.
    #IAN1 #sociology #psychology #survival

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