NTIO #122 Get Off My Lawn

June 15, 2017

Hello and welcome back to a show that will wait on you, because you have bad knees, because we all got aches and pains these days! This week we start out with a show about a coming of age moment for Shane. Then we move into how Kenny FINALLY has a Twitter account! You can find him at @KenBaldwin78! Then we close out with a list that makes fun of millennials and by the end of it, Kenny is complaining that the list is complaining about millennials. It’s all very confusing.

This week we shouted out these #PodernFamily shows: Buyer Beware Podcast; MARRIED not DEAD and The Peanut Gallery .

So check out the show and tell us what you think. And maybe tell your dog about the show. You know dogs talk, and if your dog talks to another dog and gets another owner to listen to the show, that would be awesome. Seriously…we know dogs don’t talk, but if they did…that would be cool. Just saying.

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