NTIO #141 The Halloween One

October 26, 2017

Hello and welcome to a show where the hosts know that Nightmare Before Christmas can’t be a Christmas movie or a Halloween movie, because it’s both or as we call it, Now That I’m Older! This week we start off with a story about a ghost that was more into mischief than really scaring people. Then we move into talking about Halloween, from the people that give kids religious pamphlets in their bags to the crazy stuff we got in our bags, like candy cigarettes, raisins, dental floss and a lot more. Then we close the show out talking about how Kenny may have attempted to murder Shane’s brother, around 20 years ago!

This week we shouted out these #PodernFamily shows: Brains Gone Bad Podcast; WrestlingNrdAlliance and Talking Taker Podcast and we spun promos for: The What If? Podcast and The After Movie Diner Podcast.

So check out the show and tell all your friends about it. Also, make sure to tell anyone who is not letting their kid dress up as Moana or a samurai or an indian because they think it’s cultural appropriation. It’s obvious they’re way more concerned with being socially correct and ruining their kids childhood then they are about laughing and enjoying life. Maybe NTIO can be the bridge between the jacked up adult they are and the rest of us normal people.

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