NTIO #155 Kenny Explains the Crown

February 01, 2018

Hello and welcome back to another week of a show where the two hosts remember when P Diddy was still just Puff Daddy or as we like to call it, Now That I’m Older. This week we start off with a show about the first story shane ever told in front of an audience. Then we move into talking about a lot of things, including one of the grossest pranks that has ever been pulled, about how Shane needs to get control of his dogs. We also talk about the most epic party Shane and Kenny have ever been to and close the show with Kenny explaining the Netflix show, The Crown in very vivid detail.

This week we shouted out these #PodernFamily shows: Tabletop Squadron; 80’sThen80’sNow and Smoke & Mirrors and spun promos for InSession Film and PARLIPOD. Be sure to check them out.

This week’s show goes out to all the guys right now that are watching hours and hours of crime television, because their girl is into it. You do it, because you want to make her happy, but let’s be honest. You also need to keep an eye on her, just in case she is watching this murder porn and taking notes on how to kill you. This week’s NTIO goes out to you, Accidental Murder Porn Guy. Have a great week!

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