NTIO #50 We (Finally) Talk Star Wars

January 14, 2016

Hello ladies and gents!  This is it!  We made it to #50!  On our 50th episode, we finally get into some Star Wars talk, but not like you think we would.  It’s basically Kenny, being…well Kenny!  Then we move into a commercial about a very special pillow, with two guys who are not great salesman.  Then we talk about how sometimes, when you’re a kid, you wrestle with your friends, and leave human sized holes in the wall.  Check out the show, and tell your friends.  And this time, do tell your friends!  I know you, like us, are probably sitting around eating peanut butter, in your underoos, crying yourself to sleep because you didn’t win the Powerball.  But if you tell a friend, they’ll tell a friend, and before you know it, you guys can all get off your couches, and get back to a normal life, just with a funny podcast to listen to!

Big thanks to The Earth Collective and the Epic Film Guys for the promo

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