NTIO #51 (Part 1): Looking Back at the Past, Now

January 21, 2016

Welcome back to Episode 51 of Now That I’m Older!  This week we get into part one of a two part show.  We’re going to be looking back at a few of the examples of the ways our childhoods were different from the kids these days.  Examples include buying cigarettes for your parents, being indentured servants as kids, getting in trouble when your brother did something stupid and your parents whooping your ass.

Check it out and let us know what you think.  We depend on you for your opinions to make this show great.  I’m serious.  Kenny’s paycheck depends on how many retweets, and likes we get, so keep that in mind, when you are listening.

Also, be sure to check out our network Rogue Intel at rogueintel.com and find all the great shows there!  And also we’ve joined up with an amazing family of podcasts on Twitter called the #PodernFamily.  Check it out to find all the great podcasts that have joined the movement to help support each other!

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