NTIO #52 (Pt. II) Looking Back at the Past, Now

January 28, 2016

Episode 52 is here, and this week we wrap up part two of our episode, Looking Back at the Past, Now.  This week’s show includes such gems as Kenny stomping a kid’s instrument flat, in band class, back in high school.  But in all reality, that kid had it coming.  Then we talk a little about being a free range kid, and we also get into why you never let a kid with a single digit for their age, drive your car.  Check out the show and tell us what you think.

This time, I do have to say, you guys are picking it up on telling your friends, and them telling their friends, but we can do better.  If we all rise up together, we can meet our goal.  We have no number goal, or plausible accomplishment to reach, but I am confident, with all of your help, we can hit this goal, and get more people listening to the show.

Also, want to remind you guys to go to Twitter and find the hashtag #PodernFamily!  This is a family of podcasts that have come together to promote each other and get the word out.  Trust me, hit up twitter, search the tag, check out some of the shows, and I promise you won’t be disappointed!!!

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