NTIO #54 Rules for Ruling the Galaxy

February 11, 2016

Welcome back to another episode of Now That I’m Older!  This week we have a special treat as my wife Nikkey stops in to tell our intro story.  Then we dive headfirst into some of the adventures of our friend Kenny from his younger years, with my brother.  And finally, we get into the rules for ruling the country, the world, or even the the galaxy!

Also, don’t forget NTIO is a part of the #PodernFamily on Twitter!  This is a family of podcasters that have come together, for the express purpose of spreading the word about the podcasting movement that is happening right now.  Search the hashtag on twitter and find great shows like The World of Ro, So Wizard and Full of Fibre podcast!

Finally guys, check out the show and tell your co-workers.  We spend an awful lot of times telling you to tell your friends about the show, and at this point that well may have run dry.  We figure the next untapped market is the people you work with.  So strike up some awkward conversation with people you barely know, and tell them all about our show!

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