NTIO #59 The Cartoons Strike Back

March 17, 2016

Welcome back to NTIO this week!  This week we talk about taking my family to Cirque de Soleil for a Christmas gift. Then we talk about some crazy cartoon facts, after Kenny totally shuts down an epic story with some trumped up embargo.  We also talk about some of the cartoons that you guys told me that you hate a little while back on Twitter.

Check out the show and tell us what you think.  Also, I know some of you are telling friends, and co-workers and strangers, like we have said.  But I gotta say, it feels like some of you are just listening for yourself, and not letting anyone else in on the secret.  Like you want to keep NTIO all to yourself.  Well, we prefer to be shared…a lot.  So get to it!  Don’t make me send Kenny to your house!

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