NTIO #63 Knight Rider vs Airwolf

April 14, 2016

Hello and welcome to another week of NTIO!  We kick this episode off with me explaining why one of my past bosses was kid of a douche.  Then we have a few different clips for you, but we start off with the results of the Knight Rider vs Airwolf poll we put up on Twitter, and Kenny is not thrilled with the results.  Then we move into talking about the significant historical things that happened the years we were born.  Highlights include Star Wars coming out and Elvis dying for my year 77 and Garfield being published and the first cellular device being used in 78 for Kenny.  Then we cap it off with a story about how sometimes your friend’s families can surprise you, and not in a good way.

Thanks guys so much for checking out the show, and keep doing so, because we need your help to share NTIO with every human you know, and even your dog too.  Seriously, we don’t know that dogs aren’t into NTIO, until we expose them to it, so get em some headphones and share the love with your canine friends!!

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