NTIO #64 More Rules for Ruling the Galaxy

April 21, 2016

This week we talk about how sometimes because you are out of shape, tragedy can strike at 13 years old. Then we get back into the list of Rules for Ruling the Galaxy.  We delve into all the tips and tricks to taking over the universe, like making sure you have a good reason before you start killing people that work for you, making sure your computer can’t be hacked with a laptop, and being sure that your new building doesn’t have hallways conducive to having a gun battle.  Check the show out and let us know what you think.

Also, we want to take a second to say thank you to all of you guys for listening to the show, and telling your friends about it.  We really appreciate all the support you guys have given us.  The only other thing we would ask is hit us up on Facebook, Twitter or email, to let us know what we could do to make the show kick ass even more!

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