NTIO #65 Viva La Resistance

April 28, 2016

This week we are fighting the good fight against sobriety, against stupidity and for firearm safety for cats!

We start this week with a story about Shane’s mom having to calm his dad down by locking him in the closet.  Then we jump into telling some of our crazy drunk stories, from our twenties,  Then we sit down to discuss the new theme song for PowPaws.  You remember PowPaws right?  The charity for Feline Firearm Safety?  It’s a very serious issue.  Then we close the show with a story about a crazy judge in Texas who forced a couple to get married.

Check out the show, and let us know what you think, on Twitter, Facebook, Gmail…wherever.  Just get in touch with us!! We wanna hear from you guys!

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