NTIO #69 Sex Sells

May 26, 2016

NTIO #69 is here (giggity) and this week we open with an update from Shane about meeting his birth mother last week.  Then we roll into an almost unbelievable story about some Nazi sex dolls, and we close the show with one of the crappiest roomates you’ve ever heard of.  Then we talk about Kenny’s master plan to get back at said crappy roommate.  So check out the show and tell everyone you know…man, woman, child (the kids love us), dog, cat, fish (yes fish love podcasts), horse, goat etc etc you know.  You never know who may smell what NTIO is cooking.

Also, we wanted to thank you guys for the encouragement and stories you shared with Shane about your situations with misplaced parents.  It really means a lot to know you guys care.

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