NTIO #87 Weekend at Bernie’s in Alaska

September 29, 2016

Welcome back to another week of NTIO!  We are so glad you decided to spend  30 or 40 minutes wth us, this week!  We jump right in this week with a story about how Shane’s wife is a crazy person, and possibly a hoarder.  Then we get into the meat of the show and Kenny and I discuss a gnarly road trip through Alaska with some crazy cargo!  Then we Ask Kenny and this week, he proclaims himself to be genetically superior to most of us normal people.  Then we close with a story about a crazy neighbor that was so crazy, Kenny argues for putting the guy down, with deadly force (as the self appointed mayor o California, GA).

Thanks so much for checking out the podcast and bearing with us.  The sound quality was off last week and is a little off this week, due an error we found with our recording software.  Don’t worry your beautiful little heads though, we are getting it corrected, and are sure to be back to normal soon!  If you like the show, tell a friend, and if not…keep that shit to yourself!!!!

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