NTIO #89 12 Step Program for Puppies

October 13, 2016

This week on NTIO, Shane has lost all control, and Kenny is nice enough to call him out on it.  But before we get into that, Shane tells the story of the first Halloween with his son.  Then the Drift and Ramble podcast asks Kenny a medical question.  Finally we close the show with Kenny spending a long while explaining to Shane why he needs a dog intervention.

Check out the show, tell your friends and your enemies.  Like seriously, that guy you hated in high school that was always picking on you, call him up and say, “Hey Trevor (Trevor’s can be dicks) even though you were mean to me in high school, I have a podcast you should check out  It’s called Now That I’m Older.”  See what Trevor things about that, and make sure to follow up with him to see what he thinks.  You never know, you may make a friend out of an enemy.

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