NTIO #91 Hollywood Says You Can, But You Really Can’t

October 27, 2016

Welcome back to another installment of NTIO!!! This week we are attacking Hollywood for some of the stuff they try to pass off on all of as reality, when we know it’s a bunch of crap.  Like the amount of blood Jack Bauer can spill in one day, and not have to go to the hospital.  Or like most action movies that include cars, completely ignore the laws of physics.  Check it out and let us know on Twitter what your favorite example of this is.

Check out the show and tell everyone who will listen about it.  Seriously, in the post office, rip off your pants and scream, “LISTEN TO NOW THAT I’M OLDER!!!”.  But just know, NTIO is not in any way shape or form responsible for you or your actions, so if you do rip your pants off, get the hell out of there, quick!

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