
NTIO #96 Cows Are Mean

December 01, 2016

Hello and welcome back to another installment of NTIO, the show that reminds you that you are getting older, and even though you may dye it, you probably have some grey too. This week we talk about a few different topics. First we find out that the cows in Ireland are way meaner than they are in the States. Then we have a question from Mike Jolitz (of the Mike Jolitz Show @mikejolitz on Twitter) for Ask Kenny, where we get to hear what Kenny thinks his job is on the show. Then we discuss how Chow dogs are mean, and Shane’s dog food may be a little too fancy.

Check the show out and tell your friends. You know, instead of catching up on your Netflix shows, you could be phoning a friend right now, and telling them about the podcast. I’m not joking. Go ahead…pick up the phone. Seriously, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Alright, I’ve got some stuff to do, but you better call your friends when I get back, or else…

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